Villa Dianella – The Organic Wines


The search for the unique qualities in a wine

Dianella wines, organic and entirely produced, reflect their terroir of origin, that of Vinci.
From the Chianti Dianella DOCG, an historical label used for the official lunches of the Italian President, to the Chianti Riserva DOCG, Il Matto delle Giuncaie, Le Veglie di Neri, Sereno e Nuvole, All’Aria Aperta, Dolci Ricordi.
Some of the names of Fattoria Dianella wines refer to the titles of the novels by the poet Renato Fucini, who lived in Villa Dianella.
Maria Vittoria and Ottavia is the name of Dianella sparkling wines: Sangiovese “Ancestrale”, Sangiovese Rosé Brut and the Vermentino Brut.
The Orpicchio Dianella is the new addition: made from a biotype of Trebbiano recovered on the estate, producing 1500 numbered bottles per year, dedicated to a different event from the Vinci area. The wine received the prestigious Tre Bicchieri Gambero Rosso 2024 award.
These important results and the constant search for new horizons feed the enthusiasm that we bring to Fattoria Dianella every day.

Dianella Chianti Docg

The Chianti vintages tell the story of Dianella, as it was the first wine to be produced by the estate. Its origins are lost in time, and it was served at the residence of the Italian President Gronchi in the late 1950s. The grapes are those typical of Chianti, with a prevalence of Sangiovese and Colorino, and the style is deliberately traditional. Fresh and fruity while at the same time balanced and round, it is the ideal wine for every season and occasion. An excellent match for soups, salami and red meat, its personality can be experienced in diverse pairings. It can also be served with elaborated fish preparations, like cacciucco and baccalà (salted cod), though at a cooler temperature of 14/16° C.
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Dianella Chianti Riserva Docg

The Chianti Riserva is made from grapes from Dianella’s most historical and characteristic vineyard, aged in large barrels. It is a noble, soft, balanced wine with great character. It has a strong taste able to satisfy even the most sophisticated of palates. Refined and elegant, it can be perfectly paired with traditional Tuscan and Italian dishes, as well as more contemporary recipes. Excellent with steak like bistecca alla fiorentina.
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Le Veglie Di Neri

Le Veglie di Neri is a blend of Dianella’s traditional grapes of Sangiovese and Cabernet Sauvignon. It is a very drinkable and persuasive blend which can be enjoyed young, though it continues to improve with a couple of years aged in the bottle. It is at its best when paired with slow cooked beef, meat roasts and lamb. It can also be enjoyed with more structured pasta dishes, and mushroom based recipes.
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Il Matto Delle Giuncaie

Il Matto is Dianella’s 100% Sangiovese, beginning with the selection of our best Sangiovese grapes from the estate, and perfected in small French oak barrels. The Sangiovese is the embodiment of the essence of Dianella’s terroir, capable of creating unique emotions; its finish reveals an elegant balance of tannins, and a great complexity. Excellent to be savoured on its own, and also as a pairing for game, grilled meats, and aged cheeses.
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Cabernet Franc

A new wine for Dianella. The pure Cabernet Franc will be presented at the next Vinitaly. Only magnums, a Bordeaux blend with the style and elegance typical of all our wines.
Book your bottles in advance

All’Aria Aperta

All’Aria Aperta is Dianella’s rosé, made with grapes from our oldest vineyard, the same which is used for the Chianti Riserva. Different maturation and vinification processes allow for two very different expressions of the same grapes. A unique rosé with a complex aromatic profile, light notes of fruit from the first sip coexist with an elegant and refined bouquet and the typical austerity of the Sangiovese. Perfect for an aperitif, its depths are revealed when paired with fish, ideally tuna or salmon, carpaccio, and fried meat or fish.
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Sereno e Nuvole

Sereno e Nuvole is Dianella’s Vermentino. The grapes are harvested from a vineyard whose soil is quite unique, rich in minerals and complex substances, dating back to the Pliocene era when it was under the sea, and thus also rich in fossil shells. A white wine, fresh and savoury with a marked minerality, the wine is ideal for an aperitif but also pairs well with white meats and seafood.
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A single-vineyard white wine, aged in wood with a particular and and elegant style to create a unique DNA. The idea for this wine was conceived in 2009 following the discovery of an ancient biotype of Trebbiano grape discovered on the estate.
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Maria Vittoria And Ottavia Ancestrale

Maria Vittoria and Ottavia is our lightly sparkling rosé wine aged with the “Sur lie” process to obtain a strong and unique personality. Using the “ancestrale” method of refermentation in the bottle without any disgorgement provides for a particular and extraordinary character. Rich and structured, it pairs perfectly with sushi and both meat and fish tartars, as well as seafood pasta courses and risotto. Excellent with semi-aged cheeses and as an aperitif. The presence of sediment is typical of the ancient process, which is able to maintain the vitality of the wine in the bottle.
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Maria Vittoria And Ottavia Brut

A sparkling rosé Sangiovese, pale in colour and with a lively perlage, there is an acidic note which enhances the scent of freshness and the crunchiness of the early harvested grapes.
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Maria Vittoria And Ottavia Brut

A sparkling Vermentino, with a lively perlage, there is an acidic note which enhances the scent of freshness and the crunchiness of the early harvested grapes.
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Dolci Ricordi

Dolci Ricordi is Dianella’s sweet wine. A noble wine ideal to end a meal, it also pairs well with aged and herb cheeses, Tuscan paté, and fois gras. Delicious with dessert and chocolate, it is a sweet wine which will provide immense pleasure and ages well.
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🇮🇹 Vermentino Sereno e Nuvole Dianella, ancora per pochi giorni in offerta su
🇬🇧 Vermentino "Sereno e Nuvole" Dianella, available for a few more days on offer at
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#VillaDianella #Vinci #Tuscany #Toscana #Florence #Italy #WineResort #SerenoeNuvole #Vermentino
🇮🇹 Pranzo a Villa Dianella? Un'esperienza da non perdere! ☀️
Fuggi dal caos quotidiano e concediti un momento di relax e gusto nella nostra terrazza panoramica. Nel cuore della Toscana, circondati da vigneti e colline, potrai assaporare un pranzo preparato con ingredienti freschi e di stagione.
🇬🇧 Lunch at Villa Dianella? An experience not to be missed! ☀️
Escape the daily chaos and treat yourself to a moment of relaxation and taste on our panoramic terrace. In the heart of Tuscany, surrounded by vineyards and hills, you can enjoy a lunch prepared with fresh and seasonal ingredients.
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#VillaDianella #Vinci #Tuscany #Toscana #Florence #Italy #WineResort
🇮🇹 Tieni il ritmo con i nostri aperitivi settimanali!
Ogni giorno, immergiti nella magia di Villa Dianella con un aperitivo da sogno. Sorseggia un calice di Chianti Dianella e assaggia tutte le nostre prelibatezze toscane.
Aperitivo disponibile dalle 18:00 alle 21:00.
🇬🇧 Keep the rhythm with our weekly aperitifs!
Every day, immerse yourself in the magic of Villa Dianella with a dreamy aperitif. Sip a glass of Dianella Chianti and taste all our Tuscan delicacies.
Aperitif available from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
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#VillaDianella #Vinci #Tuscany #Toscana #Florence #Italy #WineResort
🇮🇹 Il pranzo del week end al ristorante Bistrot Villa Dianella!
Ogni sabato e domenica lunch alla carta con possibilità di Wine pairing e visita della cantina. 
Che sia per festeggiare un'occasione speciale o semplicemente per godersi una domenica spensierata in mezzo alla natura, il nostro brunch è l'occasione perfetta per stare insieme e condividere un momento di gusto.
🇬🇧 Weekend Lunch at Bistrot Villa Dianella!
Every Saturday and Sunday, à la carte lunch with the possibility of wine pairing and a cellar tour.
Whether to celebrate a special occasion or simply to enjoy a carefree Sunday in the midst of nature, our brunch is the perfect opportunity to gather together and share a moment of taste.
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#VillaDianella #Vinci #Tuscany #Toscana #Florence #Italy #WineResort
🇮🇹 I sapori della Toscana a Villa Dianella
Lasciati conquistare dai nostri piatti fatti da ingredienti freschi e di stagione provenienti dal nostro territorio.
Un viaggio alla scoperta di sapori autentici toscani grazie alle prelibatezze preparate dal nostro chef Alessio Bagnoli.
ℹ️ Il dinner ogni giorno dal lunedì dalle 19:00 alle 21.00 Last seating 
▶️ Menù à la carte e degustazione
🍷 Ampia selezione di vini 
🇬🇧 The Flavors of Tuscany at Villa Dianella
Let yourself be captivated by our dishes made from fresh, seasonal ingredients sourced from our local area.
Embark on a journey to discover authentic Tuscan flavors thanks to the delicacies prepared by our chef, Alessio Bagnoli.
▪️ Dinner is available daily from Monday, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (last seating).
▪️ À la carte and tasting menus available.
▪️ Wide selection of wines.
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#VillaDianella #Vinci #Tuscany #Toscana #Florence #Italy #WineResort
🇮🇹 🍇🍽 Ogni sabato e domenica, vi invitiamo a scoprire il nostro esclusivo pranzo alla carta. Godetevi un abbinamento vini perfetto e completate l'esperienza con una visita guidata della nostra cantina.
🇬🇧 Every Saturday and Sunday, we invite you to discover our exclusive à la carte lunch. Enjoy perfect wine pairings and complete the experience with a guided tour of our cellar. #WeekendWine #WineTasting
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#VillaDianella #Vinci #Tuscany #Toscana #Florence #Italy #WineResort
🇮🇹 Un soggiorno da sogno a Villa Dianella!
Sotto le scuderie, recentemente rinnovate, si trova il nostro ristorante che ti delizierà con piatti tipici preparati con ingredienti freschi e di stagione dal nostro chef Alessio Bagnoli. 
Sopra le scuderie ci sono le nostre camere con vista sulle vigne che ti offriranno un soggiorno rilassante e confortevole.
Segli il tuo soggiorno unico selezionando "camera con vista"!
🇬🇧 A dream stay at Villa Dianella!
Beneath the recently renovated stables, you'll find our restaurant which will delight you with typical dishes prepared with fresh, seasonal ingredients by our chef Alessio Bagnoli.
Above the stables, our rooms overlook the vineyards, offering you a relaxing and comfortable stay.
Choose your unique stay by selecting a 'room with a view'!
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#VillaDianella #Vinci #Tuscany #Toscana #Florence #Italy #WineResort
🇮🇹 Goditi un aperitivo indimenticabile sulla nostra terrazza panoramica con vista mozzafiato sulle colline toscane!
Ogni giorno dalle 18:00 alle 20:00 
L'atmosfera perfetta per un momento di relax con amici o in famiglia ‍‍‍Prenota il tuo tavolo sul sito
🇬🇧 Enjoy an unforgettable aperitivo on our panoramic terrace with breathtaking views of the Tuscan hills!
Every day from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
The perfect atmosphere for a moment of relaxation ‍♀️ with friends or family ‍‍‍
Book your table on
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#VillaDianella #Vinci #Tuscany #Toscana #Florence #Italy #WineResort

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